Great Indian Tamasha

Be it in any country, a year before election time, unfolds the 'tamasha' in a Democracy. We hear of new promises from Representatives. "Well, well then, what about the old lists? It goes down the drain....then the 'Yojanas' (Schemes) for farmers, slum dwellers etc are all over the media, I really wonder if it really reaches the people or just remaining in the visual media. I am not a big fan of Politicians. Sometimes they resemble to me the religious preachers who manipulate the Psyche of the mob.

As an onlooker, it is too obvious to see the opportunist behaviour of the Representatives to get the pie. Few tamashas to put in, is mainly of the Vice-President of Congress who gets to know things a bit too late and then follows the show stealing act. The Ordinance Bill, Lokpal Bill, Quota of gas cylinders per household were in the Parliament for a while..why then is his act of sudden outburst during the Ordinance bill against the status quo of convicted politicians, followed by the Lokpal bill, then comes the quota of 12 gas cylinders per household. It never ends there... now it is that the PM, President of Congress Party and the Vice President of the Party came to know of Aravind Kejriwal's dharna compromise by the Home minister just a day later when we, the people, have been glued to TV sets and e-news for live updates. Kejriwal, the new hope in politics, has his share of criticism for his time on dharnas to governance. Of course, Narendra Modi has his good share too, of not knowing History too well. Then the spats of the parties.. Let not these leave us indecisive about our Country. It is call time and we need a leader with a vision for our nation to put it back as a world player. We are not a disciplined country, we have lots of corruptions still in systems and we need a very strong leader to bring a way about.

The need of the hour, is a leader with a vision, who can reach to different strata of the people. There should be uniform Civil Code in place. Criminals to be brought to books and punished in the severest possible way without judicial delays. The corrupt politicians shouldn't be let loose with all their Scam money in their possession even after being convicted. They should be fined and made bankrupt by the state. The money should go for the development of every village and every town. There should be an end to the deep rooted corruption in our bureaucratic system. Quoting Sarojini Naidu's words on Indian Tricolor-"Under this flag, there is no difference between a prince and a peasant, between the rich and the poor, between man and women".

There is always the talk of the town that India has missed the bus for being a developed Nation. At the Davos 2014 meet, in an interview by Vikram Chandra, Mr Chidambaram says that it is difficult to improve the infrastructure because of the different party governance in different states and that of Centre. We do have reasons for not happening, but then isn't it easier to get the solution once the reasoning has been done? It is not only that we are behind the other countries in comparison with development, we lack a good leadership. In the year 2012, for Ease of Doing Business Index, India ranked 132 in comparison to China's 91 and Brazil's 126 ranks. It is never too late to catch up. The need of the hour is to put our country first and elect a leader with a vision.... 


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